Research areas and interests

  Professor Duan’s expertise lies in tthe continuum mechanics, multiscale- multi-physics modeling and experimentally characterization of the thermos-mechanical and physical properties of the heterogeneous media with various microstructures under external stimuli (e.g., thermo-mechanical loading and irradiation, etc). The important research contributions are: Eshelby formalism and micromechanical framework for nanocomposites, theory of surface stress and wetting transition for complex solid surfaces, and mechanical behaviors of metallic materials with irradiation. She has more than 230 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Communications, Science Advances, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Phys. Rev. Lett., Advanced Mater., Adv. Appl. Mech., J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Phys. Rev. B, Acta Mater., Proc. Roy. Soc. A, etc. She has given more than 80 invited, keynote and plenary talks in IUTAM Symposia, Conferences, Universities and Research Institutes.

  Her current research focus on the following areas: (1) Mechanics of heterogeneous materials and nano-structured materials; (2) Surface/interface effects in mechanical/physical properties of heterogeneous materials and structures; (3) Interface mechanics of complex fluids and soft matters.

  Researcher ID:

  Selected awards and honors include:

  •  State Natural Science Award (Second Class Prize): Micromechanics of composites with interface effects, China, 2020

  •  ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineer) Fellow, 2020

  •  Ten Best Advisers for graduate students of Peking University, 2017  

  •  ASME The Lloyd Hamilton Donnell Applied Mechanics Reviews Paper Award,2016

  •  “Micromechanics of composites with interface effects”, The first prize of Chinese Ministry of Education, 2015.

  •  National Outstanding Young Scholar Award of China, 2015

  •  Science & Technology Innovation Leader Award, Science and Technology Ministry of China, 2015

  •  National Outstanding Young Female Scientist of China, 2014

  •  Chang Jiang Chair Professor, Chinese Ministry of Education, 2014

  •  Distinguished Young Scholars, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2012

  •  Outstanding Young Scholar Award, The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2011

  •  Mao Yisheng Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Beijing, China, 2010

  •  ASME The Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award, USA, 2009

  •  National Excellent PhD Thesis of China, 2007

  •  Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship,Germany, 2006

  •  Post-doctoral Fellowship of The Royal Society of London, UK, 2005